LifeCare E-Newsletter
September 2010  
In this issue we connect you with information and resources to empower yourself and take charge of your life.
Managing Stress
Don't be a Victim!
Homework Tips
When Your Older Loved One Needs Help
Effective Communication
Managing stress

Managing stress


Persistent stress can put you at risk for obesity, heart disease, cancer, and a variety of other illnesses. But there are things you can do to help reduce stress. Evaluate your ability to cope with stress. Learn what causes stress and how to manage it. Check out these 5-minute stress busters. Take advantage of the power of laughter.

Our Stress Management webinar offers tips and strategies to help you understand and manage stress. This is an OnDemand webinar, so you can log on any time to view the presentation at your convenience.

Don't be a Victim!
Protect yourself from scams

Protect yourself from scams


Every minute there is a new victim of fraud-don't let it be you! Learn how to protect yourself and your money. Guard against internet fraud. Know what to do if you've been the victim of fraud.

The Consumer Fraud library provides a wealth of information that can help you be a savvy consumer. Check it out today!

Helping Your Child with Homework
Tips and strategies

Tips and strategies


Homework is an opportunity for your children to learn and for you to be involved in their education. However, parents are often challenged to understand how -- and how much -- to help. The Homework library offers resources that can help! Get tips on providing homework guidance and monitoring assignments. If your child is having difficulty in school or with a particular subject he or she may benefit from extra help from a tutor.

If you can take a break, join this month's live webinar, Encouraging Good Homework and Study Habits. It offers great tips on promoting good study habits, communicating with your children's teachers, and helping your children build study skills in key subject areas.

The Caregiving Balancing Act
When your older loved one needs help

When your older loved one needs help


Determining whether you need to intervene in an older loved one's life can be difficult. While you want to protect your loved one, you also want to respect his or her need for privacy and independence. First, assess your loved one's needs. Then speak with your loved one. Discussions involving sensitive issues like independence, health, personal information, and finances can be challenging so it is important to communicate openly and thoughtfully about your concerns. If you live far away, or you would simply feel more comfortable having a professional assess your loved one's needs, consider hiring a Professional Care Manager (PCM) who can assess the situation, prepare a care plan, and provide supervision and monitoring services as necessary. Whatever the situation, trust your instincts. If you think your loved one needs more care, you are probably right.

Our moderated monthly discussion group offers a supportive, interactive environment to discuss real life experiences, ask questions, and share ideas with our facilitator and other working caregivers.
Join today!

You and Your Job
Build your communication skills

Build your communication skills


Poor communication skills inhibit workplace effectiveness and cause confusion and misunderstandings. Are you communicating successfully? Start by taking our communications skills test to determine what you do well and where you may need help. Then visit the Communication Skills library for tips and strategies including:

And more!

Product Recalls
Product Recalls
Find a Provider
Find a Provider
Do you need help finding child care, locating an adult care facility or identifying colleges? Get started today!
Interactive Resources
  Jean Chatzky Webinars
  OnDemand E-Seminars
  Live Webinars
  Parenting Blog
Your Opinion Matters

How confident are you in your ability to effectively plan for your financial future?


For more information about LifeCare, contact us at

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